Services \

Data Privacy

We actively deal with and have attained significant expertise in the area of personal data protection regulations, from the perspective of both data controllers and data processors.

Our services in this area include, among others:

  • legal advice on the implementation of various solutions, tools and platforms implying flow and transfers of personal data throughout multiple jurisdictions, including outside the European Economic Area, e.g. whistleblowing systems, surveillance systems, etc.
  • drafting and customization of privacy policies/notices and other data privacy related documents
  • legal assistance in the implementation of cookies consent requirements
  • legal advice on data privacy questions related to migration from on-premise based to cloud-based solutions/centralized systems
  • legal support in launching various applications, tools and systems entailing data privacy aspects (in the field of HR, customer relationship management, direct marketing tools and practices, etc.)
  • assistance in dealing with data subjects’ complaints and requests for exercising their rights
  • addressing data privacy aspects of organizing quizzes, prize-games and promotional campaigns
  • assistance in drafting instructions on personal data processing and similar internal documents
  • drafting and customization of data processing and data sharing agreements
  • legal assistance with implementing requirements concerning unsolicited and direct marketing communications
  • assistance in setting up legally compliant processes and policies of database creation, update, retention and deletion
  • conducting trainings and workshops in data protection law

We also assist businesses in deploying leverages envisaged in the Free Flow of Non-Personal Data as well as in the Reuse of Public-Sector Information legislation.